creative function

Breeding life into the key art

Concept - Art Direction - Shoot Direction - Design - Delivery

By Paul Maley - January, 2020

"Emmy and Bafta award winner Martin Freeman plays Paul who alongside his wife Ally (Daisy Haggard) try to navigate the ever evolving definition of parenting." But how do you capture the inner turmoil of parenthood without it feeling like classic dysfunction.


It was one of the more awkward moments of my career meeting Martin Freeman for the first time knowing I was about to ask him to agree to have a child's foot stuck in his face for the majority of a photo shoot, within minutes of meeting him. After all it's a slightly unusual request to ask an A list British actor, but fortunately Martin was happy to go along with everything asked which allowed us to capture the favored creative route.


Show Proposition


"Ally & Paul Love their kids to the end of the earth, but sometimes they would be happy to leave them there."


The Creative


I wanted to try and resonate a simple truth of how family life has stress and can take a turn for the worse.

After working on a few situations set around the home, they started to feel a bit too much like the children were behaving badly, and the parenting was just not up to scratch, which just didn't feel right.


Looking deeper into the show. I became drawn more towards Paul's feeling of physiological torture of having to give up on your dreams, your free time but most of all, giving your whole self to the world of parenting.


This led me to the thought that the only real time you get to yourself in a busy family is the sanctuary of the bedroom.

However Breeders has a dark comedic edge so I needed a way to disrupt this sanctuary for Paul, placing him in a sleepless night of worry. So the idea became while the rest of the family sleep deeply on top of Paul, he is left staring into the abyss of the night whilst being kicked in the face by his sleeping son, and in a bed full of toys.

Unfortunately on the day of the shoot we were unable to get a license to use the actress that plays the daughter so we needed a stand in.

with a wig and clever placements to hide her face.

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